Preberi več Vintage wedding photographer in Vipava valley 10 oktobra, 2017 couple Wedding I always get excited when I get invited to be a vintage wedding photographer. This time it was.. Preberi več
Preberi več Fairytale wedding photographer 04 oktobra, 2017 couple Wedding I guess every little girl dreams of a fairytale wedding. But the location where Saša and Jure said.. Preberi več
Preberi več Italian style wedding photographer in Goriška brda 09 avgusta, 2017 couple Wedding I like to call this one an Italian wedding or rather an Italian style wedding as these two,.. Preberi več
Preberi več Wedding photographer Notranjska 08 avgusta, 2017 couple Wedding Being a wedding photographer takes me places I have never heard before even if it is in my.. Preberi več